A Spectrum of Love in Human Experience: A Journey from Isolation to Unity

September 8, 2013

Today I turn 59.  Most at this age are looking forward to retire; I’ve only just begun.

From the discord evident in the world, all of us in leadership roles are being challenged and called forth to balance and integrate polarities and opposing viewpoints as two sides of the same coin.  This integration is only realized through love.  In celebration of the life I’ve been gifted, I explore the spectrum of love in human experience and what it means in leadership and life.  I offer these distinctions to provide contrast to our perceptions and offer alternative choices.  As you read what follows, I invite you to join the celebration and reflect on your own direct experience of the spectrum of love.  I’ve included some questions to prompt your own inquiry.  With this awareness, I also invite you to create a present for yourself, a new “story” for your own lifetime that is pre-sent into creation; Love brings life into form.

How we view and express love in life, how we relate to others, is how we will be as leaders.  Said another way, “leadership” is a direct reflection and expression of our consciousness of love.

There seems to be around 4 “forms” of love (maybe it’s 3; maybe 5 or 6).  I don’t like the word “form” because it suggests finite definition and life is a continuous process of growth and mastery.  Growth can be “messy” as we express more than one “form” at any given time.  I am sharing these observations as points of reflection for your own experience, which is the only way we truly know anything.  These forms are progressions into a deeper and expanded sense of self and ones relationship with life; a progression of love from separate identity into unity consciousness and wholeness.  The descriptions are far from complete and comprehensive; they offer a place to begin self-reflection.

It’s All About Me

One form of love centers around the development of our ego identity, the creation of our self-concept, generally as infants and small children (e.g., the “terrible twos”).  Everything is experienced in relationship to what it “does” to/for me; it’s a relationship based in what I get. Later in life we call this narcissistic, arrogant and self-absorbed; life revolves around preserving and protecting our individual identity.  At an extreme, one feels isolated and this alienation is frequently associated with sociopathic behavior that is destructive to life (e.g., the Aurora, CO and Sandy Hook gunmen, Boston bombers and some well-known dictators).  Self-love in this form is about ensuring protection and nurturing of our physical and psychological experience:  We love those who focus on and take care of us.  Within this form, one is dependent on what they receive from life experiences for any sense well-being.

“Leaders” in this form of love are the “hub” of their own universe; and it seems that many, if not most, dictators exemplify this form of love.

What’s In It For Me?

The second form of love centers around approval and validation that we are safe and secure based the rules dictated by our “tribes” and cultural conditioning; we do what others say we should do.  This form of love is reactive and based in fear of rejection which we endeavor to avoid.  It is generally about what one can “get” for what one gives.  Relationships become object-to-object as one hides behind roles and masks of our self-concept/ego identity.  It is characterized by our common understanding of love as attraction, affection, approval, and attachment to what we believe and what we can get from others and the situation.  Attachments are perceived needs for someone or something outside of us that are required to complete us, bring us happiness, etc.  We seek wholeness and fulfillment, looking for love from outside ourselves.

We strive to belong through external/surface connections as an unconscious acknowledgment of our innate unity, and this form of love generates polarities, opposites, competition, and conflict: “us” versus “them” thinking and actions.  It is a reinforcement of self-concept in relation to others; self-love is self-validation, fixated on approval, security and control.  We love those who agree with and are like us (in-group); everyone else is an “outsider”, not trusted or valued and generally “trashed.”

Within this form, one manages life based on familial and societal roles and rules and logic based on appearances (left brain).  If one takes on as their primary life role being defined to reinforce these rules, one remains subservient to these rules and blocked from their own realized potential.

In this form of love, management is equated with leadership, primarily based on position or role, interacting with others using power and control.  This is the prevailing view of leadership today:  Leaders take a stand on a position and seek to control the life experience of others and whoever gets the most followers, “wins.”  The irony of this is that the positions and concepts we hold have no inherent power; they only power they have over us is the power we give to them.

I have lived both these forms very well.

Illuminations of The Dark Night

These first two forms of love are based in our conditioning, with rules and roles externally defined.  We are looking outside of ourselves to validate the connection to life that is within.  We go through life seeking praise and avoiding punishment or anything the mind perceives as unpleasant.  In every moment we either allow our natural state of love or we resist in fear with needs, wants, desires, expectations, judgments, positions, or opinions.

Ask yourself:  Who are you without the labels of man, woman, wife, husband, teacher, student, Conservative, Liberal, Christian, Muslim, and all the belief structures and roles that we take on that are not our inherent human nature?  When you take off all these masks and garments, who are you?  How many of us lose our life, giving ourSelves to needs, wants, and expectations defined by others or by default to our roles?  If it’s about you getting security, support, control, kudos, it’s ego.  We kill ourselves and destroy humanity when our identity is reduced to roles and labels.

Opinion, is neither real nor true; it is what we opine (wish) for life to be.  Opinions are what we have not personally and directly experienced (within) but what we take on as real.  Truth is what remains when all of our opinions, definitions and positions are dropped.  Our opinions and beliefs blind us to life; we miss Life, miss Love and create an experience that is not “real.”  We see only what we believe.  Love cannot move us if we hold positions and opinions.  This results in competition, divisiveness, resentment, violence, and war.

If our beliefs about love are of the first two forms, centered on our ego identity, we see leading as love as incompatible and unattainable.  When we shift from autopilot into consciousness, drop the need for approval in order feel belongingness and connection, of giving to get, and attachment to outcome, we recognize that love is our realized potential.  Leaders invite all into this realized potential.  Every time we diminish another, we diminish our own dignity and well-being as a human being.

At some point we start to ask:  Is this what (external rules) life is about?  We start to commit to be the “best” person, human being that we can.  We also begin to consider our legacy:  What do we want to contribute to humanity?

As our relationship to life expands and deepens, ego relaxes and loses its need for definition and control.  Intuition (right holistic brain) and heart take over and we increasingly choose to live in self-awareness:  Who am I, really?  Who do I choose to be right here, right now?

Who Am I Being?

A third form of love is entering into conscious relationship where the dignity of every human being and all of life matters and is valued.  This is characterized by care, understanding and respect and being consciously present and responsive to ensure the well-being of oneself AND others.  It is about tolerance and acceptance with focus on reaching our full potential.  It is an attitude and approach (philosophy) for how one lives their life.  Love is an intention, a deep value that permeates ones entire life.  It is living without opinions, expectations, judgments or control.  It is the dismantling of the self-concept in relationship to others towards one of contribution and service.  Within this form, one leads ones own life, owning that we each create our own life experience and what we give is what we receive back, a mirror of our own beingness, consciousness.  Self-love becomes conscious self-reflection; we consciously see ourselves reflected in others.

There is nothing “soft” about this love; it’s a steadfast commitment to honesty and truth with a willingness to be humble and vulnerable that requires great courage and strength.  It is human being-to-human being intimacy and authenticity that generates a power that comes forth when one drops all the masks, pretenses and conditioning and one is fully present.  This is the source of “influence”, not to subscribe to something outside of oneself, but to step into personal power and mastery to be oneself.  This is the love of true leadership.  From this, leaders can be described as those who influence, inspire and enable others to be fully who they are, to reach their full potential:  Leading as Love.  What’s hilarious is that the origin of the word “influence” that we use so much and take for granted with leadership is:  “streaming ethereal power from the stars acting upon the character or destiny of wo/men” and to “flow in, to and on” (as in “being in the flow.”)  Herein lies the truth.

Leading as Love is not limited by position or role.  We lead, truly influence life, when we are the best we can be as human beings.  Doing so, we help all to achieve our universal dream of dignity and well-being.  Love is about giving everyone back to themSelves.  Identification with labels and opinions gets put aside.  This results in cooperation and collaboration.  Giving is receiving.  We give to others what we are grateful to receive as a human being.  This is service; serving Life.  Leaders engage with each individual as a whole human being.

As our conscious choice for an intention of love deepens in experience, another form of love begins to naturally emerge and unfold as an expanded awareness of life, that all is One.

Love Is All That Is

A fourth form of love is unity consciousness; a conscious awareness that all of life is one and interdependent.  Love is the inherent unity in Life.  No matter what the mind may label “good” or “evil” we see the inherent truth that it’s all Love.  It is love as who one is; love is what we are.  This is about allowing life to unfold with reverence, appreciation, gratitude, and contentment.  Love in this form IS life; it is our natural state/condition.  This is the consciousness of non-duality – to live our true nature – spirit in matter, our essence as unconditioned-love.  Love holds no opinions or viewpoints.  To truly engage and experience life as it is, is the experience of love, joy, peace and unity.  Love is a wide-open mind and heart.  Receiving (from that which we are) is giving to life.  It is the direct experience of the truth of Love.

With Love as all that is, concepts such as leadership can fall away as no longer relevant or necessary.  All concepts of “self” dissolve in unity with Source, the life-force.  There is no “object” to love; one recognizes Self and all in Life as a flow of Love.  Attuned to the flow of Life, of Love, we are rose petals in the desert wind, carried gracefully, effortlessly without resistance or attachment, landing gently and lending our fragrance to Life’s experience.

Leading is the spaciousness that allows the flow of Life, balancing and integrating the polarities, dualities.  It is being wide open, with the trust to allow life to lead us as an extension and ever-expansion of Source, of Love.  Self-Love is Self-Realization; Universal Leadership for our universal humanity.

Focus always expands.  Where is your focus in the spectrum of Love?

The Blessings of Love in Life

Individually and collectively, life is a reflection of our consciousness.  So, what does life look like when we see Love in all of our experiences?  Here are a few blessings that I received (perceived) in the past few weeks.

I Am The Barking Dog

The neighbor across the street rents this house to vacationers; it is directly on the Niantic River with deep water dockage.  Late one afternoon, I became aware of a barking dog.  It appeared that everyone staying there went out around dinner time (there were no cars left in the driveway) and left a dog inside with the slider open.  After about an hour I was pretty annoyed; with both the noise and with leaving a dog alone in an unfamiliar place.  I actually went out on our patio and yelled to the dog to be quiet.  As I was walking back to my office to finish what I was doing, I understood:  The dog was reflecting my own beliefs about myself.  As soon as I said aloud, “I am the barking dog”, became one with the dog, it stopped and didn’t bark again for the next week and a half.

I Am A Praying Mantis

Those of you who are FB friends, may remember I recently changed my “banner” to a photo of a praying mantis hanging out on the inside of the slider to our patio.  Here is the story.  While getting dinner, I noticed a praying mantis on the threshold of the patio door.  Since one sat on my head as a child and I lost my fear, they are my favorite!  While throwing the ball for Moriah in our afternoon ritual when I am home, I kept stepping over the mantis.  All of the sudden it disappeared.  Oh well.  The next morning I noticed that the mantis was on the inside of the patio door.  As I took its picture, it followed my movements with its head.  I decided it was best outside where it could fend for itself, so gently tried to nudge it into a container.  It jumped out and scampered back to the door; I didn’t think it could move so fast. I eventually got it out the door and across the patio into the bushes.

Mantis brings a message and blessing of stillness and when prompted, fast motion.  In addition, from their life-style, we learn that they eat other insects and spiders generally by ripping their heads off!  (I’ve been known to do this on more than one occasion.)  And the word “mantis” is from the Greek, meaning “prophet”, affirming what I know to be true for my life.

I Am The Clearing of the Trees

Last week contractors came to remove a number of trees that were close to the house and along the road that concerned Alexander after storms Irene and Sandy.  As they came down, I made note of the spaciousness and light that was emerging.  These contractors are amazing; they take trees down very precisely and gracefully, starting at the top of the tree, cutting and laying each section gently on the ground with a crane before putting the tops and branches into the chipper and carefully stacking potential timber to one side.

As I watched them take down the last one near the house, a very large, rotting tree I started weeping tears of sorrow, gratitude and truth:  I am witnessing the story of my life for the last 8 years since moving here.  My identity/ego being dismantled in the same way, very precisely, very gracefully, very gently, opening the spaciousness of being hOMe, leaving roots of strength (oak) and balance, harmony and peace (elm); the chips returned to cover the earth from wence they came.  As the final part of the trunk of the tree was cut and “carried” to its place, Moriah came into the room where I was watching, wretched and vomited… like I did for much of my childhood when I became stressed.  It is done.  Trees are sentinels and beacons of Life, of Love.

I am grateful that these contractors came to the trees with great love, great reverence – care, understanding, respect and presence.  This is how life has come to me.  Alexander chose this clearing for us; there was no discussion, I just said yes.  In his own way, this is Alexander’s acknowledgement of who we have become.  Life is sacred; we are One.

Simultaneously, I have had much inner revelation.  The big one is the realization that I have held directly conflicting energies reflected in several close relationships:  both a strong desire for unity and an outright rejection of unity.  How many of us feel this way?

We Are Avatars

A number of you chafe at my saying we are divine:  God, Christ, Buddha, Krishna…  So, can you entertain that we are avatars, embodiments of aspects of divinity?  These are the virtues of our humanity.  And we can choose which “icon” we want to emanate as part of our lives?  Mine is love, compassionate truth.  What is yours: peace, joy, grace, perfection, harmony?  The choice lives in your heart waiting to be asked into your life.

As humans, we are uniquely given the capacity of being self-aware and reflective and making conscious choices in our lives.  Where do you focus your consciousness?  On creating from the avatar within or in reaction to the external illusion of separation?

A Birthday Gift to Myself

I am a “troublemaker.” I delight in disrupting lives with inconvenient truths about who we are and what life and we are about.  Nearly 30 years ago I wrote an award-winning article entitled:  Improving Agency Performance, It Starts with You.  While its target audience was insurance managers (note the words of security and control – insurance + manager), the essential truth is the same:  leading others is about how we live and lead our own lives.  Leading is about who we are as human beings.

When I wrote this article, I worked at LIMRA and my role was labeled, “Scientist.”  I really wanted to be “wizard,” complete with a pointed hat and wand.  In keeping with this spirit, moving forward I choose to be known as a “Sourc-eress,” reminding and connecting us individually and collectively with our Source, the life-force of Love within.  The form, what I “do”, will emerge as life unfolds and Source invites us forward and directs the unique flow of Love in each situation.  It also feels “right” that I am more a midwife for hearts to become ones own midwife; calling forth the avatar within each of us.  You might say I midwife the avatar in the spaciousness of self-discovery to be OneSelf, the One Self.  This is holding the spaciousness for the human condition and experience to be acknowledged, accepted, balanced, and integrated.  As a “prophet”, I give voice and movement to the stillness of the heart – instilling receptive action from the avatar within.

Later today, I will toast the universe with a glass of champagne and enjoy the spaciousness that Life has brought forth.

Ready or not, here I come!  May blessings be!

What We Think We Know Really Isn’t Real

Nothing can be dealt with meaningfully without first stating the candid, uncomfortable personal truth of the situation.  ~ Alpesh Bhatt

Yesterday an article by John Kotter that was originally published in the Harvard Business Review in 1995 resurfaced on LinkedIn:  Leading Change:  Why Transformation Efforts Fail.  Many of the current readers’ comments support his model of change and agree with the “errors” we are making.  We seem to be “drinking the kool aid” that apparent experts give us.  Although Kotter talks about the importance of commitment, leaders “walking the talk” and makes the distinction between leadership and management, his focus appears to be on external tasks and more towards the “managing” change aspects of the continuum.  No wonder most change efforts continue to fail.  We are madly trying to maintain external order through change!

We are funny creatures.  We still work with the same beliefs and intact internal structures and expect transformation.  Kotter is no different:  He is interpreting what he observes through the lens and limitations of his belief system.  We see what we believe.  Perhaps we can hit pause and ask the question:  “What can we learn from this?” deriving wisdom from our experience and realize maybe it’s time to let go of our past concepts and look beyond our filters.  Not doing so maintains the status quo and digs us into deeper trenches.  We give ourselves over to external authorities and rules, when our leader, love and truth, is within.  We are here to learn to shift our focus from the effect – what we see in the physical – to the cause, our consciousness within.  This moves us from “doing” things to “being” a creator.

One primary “error” we continue to make stems from the belief that organizational or societal transformation results from actions directed at that which we want to change.  Transformation results only from our own personal transformation; the only people we can change are ourselves.  This is not just changing our behaviors as many leadership models would have us believe; it is change from the core of our being starting with accepting our true nature.  Truth be told – all transformation is an inside job and some “experts” have seemingly not engaged in self-awareness or personal transformation.  They’ve watched from the sidelines and claim understanding without the scar tissue of personal experience.  How can they possibly know what they are talking about and prescribe to us?

As described last December, we are in a global breakdown that precedes the potential for breakthrough.  The choice is ours.  We have an addiction to left-brain understanding (logical, linear) that locks us into a world of division and separation based in the past because this is how the left-brain perceives reality.  What the left brain does really well is filter out information that does not fit our beliefs and programs; it keeps us “safe.”  The heart is the source of consciousness and the right brain sees holistically.  As beliefs systems dissolve, truth arises.

Our choice is to release all concepts that divide the world into right-wrong, good-evil and dark-light and begin to see all polarities as complimentary opposites that are meant to be balanced and integrated.  An example that comes to mind is the polar view on whether Edward Snowden is a traitor or a whistleblower.  It seems that he is both.  What does this say for the relevance of the “rule of law” that is the foundation of governance in the USA?  Rule of law is great, until it/we violate the universal laws of oneness, uniqueness and free will – the cornerstones of love.  Love is the basic principle of the universe; the only Universal Law is that of Love.  Living Love is Universal Leadership.

Love brings Light into Form

More than anything we long to contribute to the ever unfolding creation of Love, our own never-ending evolution.  “Love” means to acknowledge and accept the inherent unity and oneness of all that exists and that life is our mirror.  What we put out, we get back – giving is receiving – all relationship dynamics are mutual.  Everything in life is always a message that we either resist (challenge/discomfort) or embrace (joy/peace), even what is “bad” or “ugly.”

Love cares about and focuses on the dignity and well-being of all because we are one, inherently connected with mutual interdependence. Life.

Love understands without judgment, comprehends with compassion because we are a unique expression of Love that is our purpose, our contribution to life’s unfolding.  Pursuit of Happiness.

Love respects without control, grants full freedom of choice because we inherently have free will and self-determination.  Liberty.

Love responds by being present with now, acting with the neutrality of basic trust and grace to whatever comes because we inherently desire to continuously grow and evolve.

Being present is without needs, wants, desires, and expectations, wide open to responding to the truth of a situation.  It is the complete acceptance that by being with what is, our true nature, we are the co-creators of our life experience.  With presence we allow ourselves to be moved by and be the movement of love, we are the light of the world.  Love is all there is.  Life is grace-full when we allow and surrender to the messages it is bringing us.  Love is always a voluntary choice.

Love is what we seek.  We need to look no further because what we seek is within us.  Become aware of what we bear inside; seeking oneSelf is the path of Self-realization, our realized potential.  Being the “best” we can be as human beings is the only vision that matters and is the core vision of true leaders.  The leader is within; we only truly lead when we are connected to and live the Truth of our highest nature as the living emissary of divinity within.

Love conquers all.  Let us surrender to love.  ~ Virgil

Humanity’s purpose in life is to directly, fully and completely integrate our spiritual, divine nature into our physical being.  Incarnation means the embodiment of “spirit”; incarnate is fully human and fully divine, a whole and complete human being that we already are.  There are three primary ways that we separate from our divine nature:   Self-betrayal – betrayal or sabotage of our true nature.  Self-abandonment – abandon or ignore our true nature.  Self-deception – deny or doubt the reality of our true nature.  At the same time, our primal fears for our external experience are betrayal, abandonment and inadequacy (deception).  Our lives are journeys of Self-discovery – the discovery of the Universal Self as intelligent, loving and purposeful.  Universal Leadership is being one’s Universal Self in unity with all in conscious co-creation for the greatest good of all.

Kiss the Illusion Goodbye

The best possible actualization of one’s inherent potential is not the acquisition of external, material possessions, identity or goal.  It is to give, to use, what is within, one’s purpose and destiny.  To focus on the external is serving the past, our social-cultural inheritance and social-religious hatreds and fears.  What is our legacy as leaders?  Supporting others to lead their own lives, claim their own power and realized potential?  Or, shoring-up our own image and power as “a leader”.

Perhaps change is less about fixing a broken world and more about uncovering a hidden wholeness in all events, all organizations and all people and remembering our personal power to make a difference.  ~ Rachel Naomi Remen

We dream our future into being.  Our stories empower or diminish.  We can change the story that we hold about ourselves and one another to one of greater freedom and possibility.  From the expanded consciousness of our hearts and love, we see and intend the possibilities of our highest hopes and dreams:  reclaim spirituality from religion, replace materialism with abundance and war with peace, establish governance that embodies justice, equity and compassion, and ensure that nature preserves its self-regenerating capacity.  We are the source of all good things.


I recently “happened” on the “latest” parenting practice:  CTFD.  CTFD means “calm the fuck down.”  It applies to all of us in all of our relationships and with life.  See a positionality (e.g., liberal/conservative) you disagree with?  CTFD.  It is only with neutrality that a solution will emerge.  We have to allow all and not defend or justify our viewpoints.  Judgment, resisting, fighting anything locks the polar/opposition dynamic in place – look at the gridlock in Washington DC.  CTFD.

Recently, Eric Michael Johnson pointed out that over the years Darwin’s work on evolution has been distorted.  In The Descent of Man, Darwin actually argued that humanity has succeeded because of sharing and compassion – the survival of the nicest – communities with the greatest number of sympathetic members flourish the best.  Johnson also pointed out that modern science has verified the importance of cooperation [not competition] in human evolution and our ability to thrive.  Another article describes how selfish traits would have made us extinct.  Maybe we are on our way.  The choice is always ours.

Our gift is not an attempt to save the world, rather to fully belong to the world.  ~ Bill Plotkin

The Nature of Transformation

Self-love is the acknowledgement, acceptance and embracing our totality of being:  balancing and integrating body, mind, heart and soul, past and future in the now.  The paradox is that when we release all concepts, when there is nothing to seek or change, we are transformed.  There is nothing to change when we live without needs, wants, desires, or expectations; when we live in complete neutrality and openness to life, trusting the inherent goodness of all experience as Love calling us home.  There is never betrayal of trust, only betrayal of expectations.

On this journey, what’s been the most painful for me?  I am deeply saddened by the realization that the vast majority of us (myself included) don’t (know how to) connect and relate heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul allowing the free flow and expression of Love.  We have (unconsciously) created our personal and collective feelings of isolation and suffering.  Terrorized at the prospect of this kind of intimacy and the strength it requires, revealing one’s heart and soul with the lack of the mind’s control, we hide behind the rules of our roles.

Perhaps we have experienced that when we do express our soul, we are “punished” – our truth labeled “fantasy” and “out of touch with reality.”  We retreat and spend our entire life dying a slow and painful death knowing only separation from the Self within that fulfills us.  When we deny another’s expression of Love:  care/oneness, understanding/uniqueness, respect/choice and presence/growth, we deny our own.  When we embrace our own essence, we embrace the essence of all.  Our labels and roles are not who we are.  What we do is not our purpose.  Our purpose is our soul’s expression of an aspect of Love.  Our hope lies in our reclaiming our soul, our essence, our unique love.

Because our need for a purposeful life is inherent, the mind tries to turn our soul purpose into a “role”, a fragment of what we are rather than allowing it to be our essence, the core of being in every moment of life.  Our Love is our contribution to Life.  Our soul’s purpose is not our defined and frequently “monetized” role.  How much of how you “show up” is defined by role expectations?  When do you allow yourself to be yourSelf?  As Charlie and Edie Seashore taught throughout their career:  We are the intervention.  Being our Love is the greatest contribution and service to the world.

We don’t “have” a soul with possession by the ego; we are a soul.  This is not about the death of the ego – our personality is part of our divine expression.  It’s about the death of the ego’s concerns about and fixations on approval, judgment and control.  These negate the aspects of care, understanding and respect inherent in Love.  It is also not about transcendence – seeking to leave an “undesirable” part of us behind especially the human condition.  Our experience of painful situations is our seat of compassion and wisdom.  It is about wholeness, unifying the physical and spirit and life as interdependent, emergent and co-arising.  This is about being here, now and opening and allowing love to move us and move through us.  Leading as Love is living from our soul, calling forth the inner leader that we are.

Do we like it when another makes choices for us or when we are judged by another for our choices?  Of course not.  Then why do we continue to try to impose our personal choices on others (e.g., abortion, same-sex marriage)?  They don’t need our approval any more than we need theirs.  Judgment, approval and control are not love.  CTFD. Our uniqueness and free will are sacred gifts and integral aspects of the Universal Law of love.

For just one day or even one hour notice your mind’s judgments, approval and control.  Do your thoughts help or hinder your Love, being the “best” human being that you are?  Just observe how much of your “life” is governed and directed by giving or receiving judgment, approval and control.  What might life be like without these thoughts and beliefs, allowing what is to be?

Compassion is the ultimate flowering of love.  The ways in which we conduct our relationships are really what define us as human beings and connect us more deeply to what has genuine meaning.  When we relate through roles there are expectations – rules.  When these expectations are violated we feel betrayed and the relationship “suffers.”

Life is a continuous process of birth that we can’t and don’t control yet can midwife.  We don’t always know what’s coming or how, so all we can “do” is “be” present to what emerges and breathe and feel the joy inherent the “new” life gifted to us in each moment.  There is no structure to life’s process, can be no prescription, it uniquely unfolds.  We don’t always get what we want; we always get what we need.  Here is one interpretation of the message of the recent catastrophic train derailments created by our collective consciousness for our consideration:  We are mindlessly speeding through life, following the tracks and schedules we laid out for our lives and humanity.  If we stay on our current track, we are a train wreck waiting to happen.  We need to get off our tracks.

We long to have our Light, our movement of Love, acknowledged.  We long to contribute to the ever-unfolding generation of Love, our own never-ending expansion and evolution.  Fulfillment comes when we acknowledge our own True Self as this Light.  Love is the Light in the darkness.  Ego floats in a sea of Love.

Collective transformation is a process of diffusion.  As we give ourselves permission to embrace and enact what is real and true about our human nature, we give others permission as well.

My commitment is to come out of sabbatical (I was given what I needed) and leave the rules of the roles and predefined process behind.  My soul purpose is to Serve Love:  Life in Service to Love; Love in Service to Life.  Service means living one’s own integrity (integration) for the greater good of humanity as life unfolds.  I am continuously humbled by who and what is coming in and out of my life as a reflection of my consciousness – showing me who I am at my “best” and where I can more fully be the Love that I am.

The only way we can find the answers for the truth we seek is through our individual commitment to accept personal responsibility for our lives.  ~ Adapted from Karen Berg

I hold a vision that in the near future that our oneness is honored, all viewpoints are included, all aspects of existence are upheld, honored, seen, appreciated and given voice, power, contribution, inclusion, and integration.

I encourage us all to be conscious of and live a “higher” vision for humanity – the old is in breakdown.  Live from a complete sense of Self – the totality of being – body, mind, heart and soul.  We are the creators of our experience.  We are here to create and to be guardians – servants – of our creations.  Our being is the cosmos; we are one with the universe. May This Force Be With You as we express the totality of being.  Thinking does not replace doing.  Practice.  Just show up.

Who are you now, in this moment?

What do you deeply care about?

What is your unique expression of Love, the purpose that you bring to the world?

How do you honor your innate gifts and talents?

How do you honor your contribution as co-creator and evolutionary?

How do you honor your totality of being as an embodiment, incarnation of the divine?

How do you honor your body and mind as the emissary of the heart and soul?

How do you honor your innate majesty and glory and make it your life-long commitment?

Be Love Now

Love Evokes the Light that Illuminates the Mind and Ignites the Sacred Hearts of Humankind

The Nameless ONE ~ Mother of All

Heart of the Earth

May Blessings Be

E.T. Phone hOMe – Our Eternal Light is On

At the core of my being I am a troublemaker – a rebel.  I am not going along with the cultural conditioning of the masses, asleep to the Truth of our being.  Yes, I am a messenger; you might say an evangelist, the origin of which means “bringer of good news.”  And what is this good news?  We are the creators of our experience.

“God” is the Ground of Being

“God” – Allah, Yahweh, Buddha, Jeshua, Tao, Cosmos, Universe, Christ, Spirit, Heart Flame, Inner Light, Sacred Heart, Divinity, Higher Self, All That Is, I Am that I Am, Source, are all names or labels for the infinite, loving intelligence, awareness, presence, essence, consciousness, the energy that permeates all of creation.  This loving intelligence is the ground of all being; it is the life-force of Love unfolding and evolving itself.  It is the intelligence that initially created and continues to create and evolve the universe.  It is within each of us, accessed through our hearts.  There is no Supreme Being, only a ground of being that permeates all.  The purpose of Life is to humbly, gratefully, fully, and completely embody this truth.  This is Self-Love and Self-realization.

“God” is a reality that infuses all that is; we are one with “God” by virtue of our existence.  We are called to experiential knowledge of our innate divinity, Self-realization of our unity with the omnipresent energy that permeates all.  “God” is the indivisible absolute of which we are a part; nothing exists apart from the One, apart from Love.  Perhaps the “God Particle” in Quantum Physics is exactly this.

What is your relationship with this, your true nature?  How do you feel when you hear that you are “God” or “Christ” or “Allah” or “Buddha” or the “Cosmos”?  Can you entertain this possibility or do you shut down?  Imagine yourself as a child of 5 or 6, and ask yourself what was your perception of “God”?  What were you taught?  What do you now believe about “God”?  This is how you see a part of yourself that’s trying to get your attention through life.  What would you like this relationship to be?  What is it you really want from “God”?  For the most part our relationship with “God” mirrors our relationship with our parents and visa versa.  If we were taught and expect that authority figures reward good and punish bad, then our relationship with life is one of quid pro quo – always getting something in return or having something taken away.  When love is conditional, equated with rewards, then withholding love is punishment and we came to believe that we must get/have something tangible to “prove” love; when the material is withheld, we are being punished.  If we do anything solely for personal or material gain, it is ego and our intent will be revealed and bite us in the butt.  Love serves; ego seeks to be served in pursuit of gain.

For a fair number of us, we are in a relationship with a part of ourselves based in fear of what having this relationship will bring.  What are the relationship dynamics with your parents?  Sometimes this isn’t clear until after they are gone.  Trust, betrayal, abandonment, security, survival, respect, love… What did you receive?  What did you “want”?  How was this reflected in your actions towards them and others (“God”)?  As in all relationship dynamics, trust breeds trust, betrayal breeds betrayal, abandonment breeds abandonment, security breeds security, survival breeds survival, respect breeds respect, love breeds love.  It’s all a mirror, a never ending reciprocating cycle until someone puts and end to it, for good or ill.  If you believe in a punishing “God” for “sins”, you see “punishment” in life.  This is nonsense; our essence is eternally innocent.  We break any spell of negativity through Self-love.

Love is an openness and reverence for life.  Self-love is a committed, thoughtful decision to bring Self-integration and Self-realization of this infinite part of our selves, whether or not a “loving feeling” is present.  It is Self-evolution of our “higher” intelligence or consciousness.  When we relax into this unity, all else dissolves.  If you can’t get to accepting and loving your “God-self”, at least open to the possibility of a “Higher Self’, an infinite, loving intelligence that continuously guides our life experience (whether we choose to see it or not).  At the heart of Self-love is devotion; devotion to the Truth of our divinity invites and empowers it to become transformative.

It’s about having an open mind entrained with the heart – what HeartMath calls “heart coherence.”  When we slow our minds and bodies they sync with our heart and “soul.”  “Soul” is our individuated expression of our infinite self; individuated yet indivisible from the whole.  We are so focused on our external, physical experience and material things as the only “reality”, we have difficulty acknowledging what is unseen within and throughout the universe.  Our heart knows; our minds really aren’t smart enough to “figure it out.”  It’s about balance and integration, the inner with the outer, the unseen and the seen, bridging and merging the “lower” self with the Higher Self, bringing the polarities of spirit and matter into union.

One reader said it is “egotistical” to say that we are “Christ.”  “Christ” means “anointed one.”  We are all “anointed ones”; we all contain the divine spark of the eternal flame of the heart.  It is the ego – egotistical and arrogant – that denies our true nature, our essence, our totality of being.  However we choose to describe or label another, we are actually describing ourselves.  How we see, judge and react to what is said or done by anyone is based what is inside of us and has nothing to do with what is actually there.  Excuses, denial, justification, looking for evidence to prove one’s point are always ego-based fear.  We fear change.  We fear the unknown.  We fear the vast expanse of Love that we are.  This bumps up against and disturbs our conditioned beliefs.  It’s the ego that refuses to make this declaration of our true nature.  Ego seeks to Ease God Out, irrespective of the name we give “God.”

Truth is ego’s worst nightmare.  The mind will overlook or ignore what is not defined in a way it can control, even when the “undefined” is always present.  We die in all ways, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically when we judge or dismiss Truth as fantasy.

The Radiance Within

The heart is the door, the gateway to our “soul”, our inner light.  The mind, the ego, our thoughts and beliefs that generate “negative” emotions close this portal:  “This is not how I want life to be.”  Our emotions tell us whether or not we are “aligned”, whether or not the door is open and how wide.  Emotions are our body’s reactions to thoughts about a situation, a feeling generated by thought.  We are free when our thoughts no longer determine our inner state of consciousness.  Our inner state, our relationship with our true nature is our primary responsibility.

Every one of our choices has a consequence.  Positivity increases positivity.  Negativity increases negativity.  If we choose love, our entire being thrives and expands.  If we choose fear, our entire being contracts.  In a series of books, David Hawkins describes the Levels of Consciousness.  The lower Levels of Consciousness, those governed by the ego include pride, anger, desire, fear, grief, apathy, hatred, guilt, and shame.  The objective is personal gain; thoughts focus on causal (if-then) specifics and self-interest.  It results in our conditioned reactions of striving, force and conflict.

The higher Levels of Consciousness governed by the heart (soul) include courage, neutrality, willingness, acceptance, reason, love, joy, peace, and unity.  From the higher levels, we view the world through overall context, non-causal meaning and spiritual significance.  It is our natural responsiveness of congruence, expansion and power.  This is how we really want to be.

heartmath magnetic fieldOur hearts literally radiate our emotions, energy in motion, into both our personal and the collective experience.  The image is of the electromagnetic field of our hearts (HeartMath).  Are you contributing harmony and joy through your inner harmony and joy?  Are you contributing energy to the collective chaos and negativity through your own chaos and negativity of complaints, blaming, retaliation, etc.?  Is your energy focused on self-serving, self-interest for personal gain and control?  This includes shoring up one’s personal beliefs and self-image.  If so, it is based in fear and ego.

It is when we are mentally neutral that the heart, Love, can express itself.  Belief and thought generate separation, without our thoughts we naturally love, that is seek unity.  Our mental neutrality allows Love to come forth into expression, enact itself and move in life.

If action truly benefits everyone and everything and comes from a place of genuine care, understanding and respect, it is based in love.  Ask yourself, who benefits and how?  What is gained for myself and others?  What control is present?  Love is living with an open mind and open heart and letting life in as it is, as it unfolds.  Only love empowers oneself and others to fully realized potential.  A shift in perception and attitude brings the ability to acknowledge and feel emotion to completion without judgment and reactivity.  Ego asks:  “What can I get out of this situation or relationship?”  Love asks:  “What can I give to this situation or relationship so that it fosters wholeness (holiness) of all?”

When we release ourselves from the glamour, security, lust/greed, and competitive power and their fear-based perceptions and behaviors, our limited, self-centered identity awakens to compassion towards all life as an expression of our divine Self.  We awaken to our full potential.  Life doesn’t necessarily get “easier”; there will still be “difficult” or “painful” situations.  They are the catalysts for growth.  Experiencing them with love for all, life becomes clearer, deeper, more meaningful, and simpler.

Who We are Called to Be  

It is simply a matter of a heartfelt intention and commitment to have a conscious relationship to bring Love fully into one’s life and believe you are worthy and deserve it.  To Love that part of yourSelf that is consciousness, the creator ever-evolving into more.  We are the love we seek.  When we relax into the experience of unity and Self-love, we see the luminosity of Life and the rest falls away.  We see through the fallacy of mind-generated illusions.

Imagine that we are one with all that is.  Imagine that our consciousness, our thoughts and emotions, create all that is.  Imagine that part of your being that is all-knowing and all-loving.  Imagine your life as infinite love.  These images are reality.  This is what you are.  We cannot truly live or “master” life until we accept that we, our consciousness, are creating it.  We created the split, the separation between spirit and matter; only we can end it and allow “spirit” to dwell within us.  We each are a perfect thread of Love in the divine tapestry of Life.  The mind is the emissary of the heart.  Let your heart lead, the mind in service to the heart.  Living in and through the heart sublimates, transforms fear to love without suffering.

Self-love is expressed through our “higher” purpose, our essence expressed in life.  It is the Love we came to bring to the world. It is this secret held in our hearts that sustains us.  It is the ground of our personal being.  We when bring this into consciousness and align our thoughts, emotions and actions with this deep purpose, we know fulfillment, abundance and joy.  It our personal source of being in the world but not of the world.  It is at most 1 – 2 words that are simultaneously a vision, a virtue and our deepest value that we commit too.  First we commit to Self-love, to merge.  Then we can know and commit to the nature of our love.  This is the catalyst for our experience of unity with life.  From this experience of unified love, all that is contradictory is revealed.  At the end of the day, the only relationship that matters is our relationship with the One within; the self with the Self.

What we focus on we create.  Focus is a form of “prayer.”  Self-love is profound.  Its only desire is to give Love expression – to expand the expression of Love – to grow and evolve into more of itSelf, to know itSelf in new ways.  Conversely, worrying is praying for things we don’t want to happen – and our focus can create them, a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Letting go of old concepts, no matter how flawed, is not easy.  The only thing that is up to us is whether or not we make this transformation proactively or reactively.  The only one stopping you from being the love you are is you.  It is a postponement of the inevitable.  We can engage willingly and gracefully or suffer if we resist.  As we give more of ourselves to ourSelves, we naturally give more of ourselves to others and life.

When you are “done” living less than you are, your fullest potential, make this heartfelt intention and commitment:  To Live the Truth of Who You Are as Divine Love.  If you want “help”, call forth and invite your own “teacher” within.  Step beyond the confinement of ego and flourish.  When we do, we stop blaming others for how we feel and looking outside for identity, definitions and answers.  An engaged, empowered and fulfilled life is lived from the “soul”, the essence, from source as Love.  To allow Love’s free flow, abandon the identity of the ego-self as the source of existence.  Living in fear is a learned habit; real power comes forth when we set aside fear.  There is no other way.

Through our energetic connection of Love within all things, we add to the well-being or the detriment of the whole.  There are no small actions.  Everything we think and do generates an energy that becomes part of the infinite intelligence and produces countless ripple effects.  Think of the flap of a butterfly wing initiating a hurricane a half-world away.  Look beneath the surface to address issues; they all originate inside.

Difficulty is Growth

M. Scott Peck said “Life is difficult.”  It is.  We don’t grow and evolve unless we are challenged.  Once we accept this, all “difficulty” disappears.  Spiritual growth and integration is not a process of change but an evolutionary emergence to become the fulfillment of potential, like a larva becoming a butterfly.  Creation is evolution by virtue of the emergence of potentiality into actuality (David Hawkins).

We only grow when we are challenged.  If you find yourself uncomfortable or angry with what is written, great!  There is an opportunity for growth.  What is the perspective or belief that is ready to shift?  What in this writing, triggered judgment?  That judgment is inside of you, a part of how you “see” yourself that you are recognizing in me as a mirror.  Write down all of these judgments, “good” or “bad” and reflect on how, in what ways they perhaps describe you.  “Lj is out of her mind.” – I can’t live like this; I will be seen as crazy or lose my mind.  “Lj is too open and personal.” – I fear what I will learn about my true self.  Or, as one reader commented:  “This is amazing.” – Yes we are.  We can always resist or retreat from discomfort or we can move into it and allow its source to be revealed.  When it is, the cause is dissolved.  Allow the discomfort to be what it is with relaxed awareness, without reacting with drama and watch it dissipate.

Everything is an outpicturing of the consciousness within.  When we gaze in awe at the cosmos, we are observing the vastness that we are.  When we turn away from or fixate on pictures of war or famine, that war or hunger is raging inside of as well.  When we are touched by nature’s beauty, that beauty is inside of us.  Nothing is ever an “accident.”  It’s all an opportunity to recognize and be the Love that you are.

As we love ourSelves, love flows through all of our interactions with one another and with life.  We act as a “tuning fork” for those around us.  Life is calmer.  One no longer engages in the drama, rather acts as witness.  Life becomes extra-ordinary in ordinary circumstances.  Everything we engage with, including “difficult” situations, is joyful.  We are literally enthusiastic about all that life offers.  If we look to “master” anything in life, may it be empowered surrender.  The jihad is within playing out on the world stage.

We are Divine.  Our Essence is Love.  Leadership in Service to Life.  Leading as Love.  Universal Leadership.  Love makes a leader a Leader.  Realized Potential.  Leadership is not a role.  Leadership is a state of being, the integration of all levels – body, mind, heart, and soul – as love.  Leadership is being in integrity with oneSelf.  When we are full of ourSelves, Love, it overflows and we are in service to all.  What is the good I want to share with the world?  When we allow our reunion with the source of all life, our lives are used for the highest good at all times.  We achieve nothing without Love. Nelson Mandela embodies this.

If we have everything planned out according to a template, it’s impossible for us to be the movement of Love, of Light, in the moment.  We can have a few guiding principles for how we engage with life.  It is more pragmatic to incorporate these “spiritual” principles in everyday life and lifestyle.  Choose even just one principle as an inner rule to be applied no matter what.  Our Higher Self merely awaits activation by invitation and assent.  What is your commitment for this life from the deepest core of your being?

Life on Planet Earth

If you got this far in reading this, some of you might say:  What planet is Lj on?  What do I do with this?  I’m on Earth, just like the rest of you.  I stepped back and broadened and deepened my perspective beyond the five senses and our social conditioning to include the consciousness of emotions and thoughts and that which can only be seen with the heart.  I began to see clearly what makes all the truly effective leadership and organizational practices effective, like Appreciative Inquiry, Emotional Intelligence, Positive Organizational Scholarship, Servant Leadership, Transformational Leadership, to name a few.  A blinding glimpse of the obvious that we would rather not acknowledge:  They all honor and nurture the soul, the spirit within each of us, our totality of being; they call forth our Love.  Personally, what can you do?  First and foremost, deeply commit in your heart to Self-love, being the Love that you are, and surrender the prison of the mind.  Then bring into consciousness the essence of your expression of love.  This is your unique purpose; align your life with this.

Heaven is not a place; it is the state of unity with all of creation.  Why is our true nature so elusive?  Why do we resist and reject the Love that we are?  What is so frightening about accepting the perfection of our imperfections?  Allow your higher consciousness to take over, the consciousness that comes from the heart.  To be the Self is the greatest accomplishment one can achieve; to create from the wellspring of the embodied Light within is true abundance and well-being.  Why choose to be less than you are?  It may appear that I have “lost” my living; I have gained my Life and livelihood.

Recently the film, E.T. – The Extraterrestrial, came to mind as a metaphor of how our “soul” might feel when landing in a body and life on planet Earth – alienated, lost, being chased and imprisoned, longing to return home.  Perhaps this accounts for the universal and lasting popularity of the film for more than 30 years:  At a deep level it is our shared human story, we identify with these feelings.  The lesson:  “Turn on your heartlight.  Let it shine wherever you go.”  Our Light is eternally on.  Let’s stop hiding from what we are and allow our radiance and brilliance to shine forth.  Be the Love you Are.

Menopausal Madness or Freedom?

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.

Gloria Steinem

“An Invitation to Come Out of the Closet” again brought cheers and thank-yous and also pushed a few buttons.  What is offered is an alternative perspective on life that bumps up against the traditional.  One reader said they felt they were “standing in front of a fire hose” and suggested that I “tone it down” a bit.  If the style feels abrasive or the perspective too far out or for any other reason, you are welcome to unsubscribe at the bottom.  No harm, no foul.  It’s all just for your consideration.  Take what is interesting or meaningful to you in your personal experience and ignore the rest.

The infamous December 21, 2012.  Some people expected the world to end in an apocalypse.  It did.  Apocalypse means to uncover, disclose, reveal.  What is coming to an end IS being revealed.  Just look around.  The best in us and the worst in us is being exposed.  Our “official” ideologies are more deceptive and out of touch with the deeper core of human existence than they have ever been.  What is also being revealed are the esoteric, “hidden” spiritual teachings and truths that the scriptures, saints and mystics have shared over many millennia.  We all have the opportunity to directly experience our true nature, if we so choose.

Since we all contain the full essence of divinity, anything we say or do to another, we do to “God” and to ourselves.  So before we act, it might be worthwhile to ask: “Would I say or do this to “God” or to myself?”  Without awareness, what we say to another we are really saying to ourselves, about ourselves, projecting what we believe about our relationship to the Love that we are.  Do unto others as you do to yourSelf.  As the Buddhists say:  Do no harm.  “God” is not a being “out there.”  “God” is a state of being, the divine within, the creative force of the universe as infinite loving awareness.  Love is this creative force that is alive within us.  Self-love is aligning, honoring, cherishing, and revering our inherent Love that is ever expanding into more.  Our experience of joy is Love acknowledging its own expression.

Life is about getting in “right” relationship with ourSelves.  Loving ourSelves is loving “God.”  Love is all there is.  The experience of physical reality does not diminish who we are.  In our essence, we are all “saints”, something we perhaps have trouble accepting.

We can always say “no.”  There is no judgment, only Love.  The only thing stopping us are our own limiting beliefs as to what IS.  We each create our own experience of connection or separation.

We generally act out our unprocessed emotions and subconscious, conditioned thoughts rather than our liberated heart and soul that is our Self.  It is our denied, suppressed and unprocessed emotions and thoughts that filter and distort the physical expression of our true spiritual nature.  Just allow them to be without judgment.  When our mind, our thoughts are neutral the heart can engage and enable the soul’s expression to move and come forth.  We are taught and learn to look to others for authority and to comply.  Our Self is the only authority we need to have a life fully lived.

Our Self is what is left when we strip away nationality, gender, religion, economic status, family roles, style/personality and any other concept that informs our identity.  None of these really matter; they are just labels.  It is challenging to observe life and be without all of these systems of belief.  If we take on this challenge, we can reflect on the Self that is here and experience the creative force of the universe, Love itself.  It may feel freeing or terrifying to live without definition.  Doing is living our roles; being is allowing ourselves to be moved in the moment by Love. It takes courage, strength and trust to surrender to the unknown.  Surrender is liberation and victory, the willingness to allow ourselves the experience of Self-knowing and Self-love. Consciously participating in the miraculous unfolding of reality is the greatest satisfaction we can have.  Unity is our true state.

Our soul, our spirit, our Self, is unknowable to the mind, the ego.  It can’t be examined and analyzed.  It is only known to and through the heart when the mind is quiet.  The heart can “see” and “know” all of the mind, our conscious, unconscious and subconscious thoughts and beliefs.  Our ability to act on feeling rather than evidence brings us through the unknown.

Until we make the unconscious conscious, it will direct our lives and we will call it fate.

                                                             Carl Jung

Ego holds the stories and concepts the mind made up to account for, explain or justify our physical and emotional experiences.  We then relive these experiences over and over until we can see the story and decide if it is “true” or not.  Truth is the honesty of the heart.  There is nothing to “heal”; just a recognition that we made up a story.  If there is a “healing” it is “self-healing”, a shift in perspective about ourselves and our identity.  There is nothing loving about wallowing in and perpetuating the stories; they are the cause of suffering.

When one steadfastly holds in their heart a clear intention of Self-love, all that is unlike Love will show itself and dissolve, without the need for self-examination and analyses.  All that is “required” is to acknowledge, embrace and love the totality of our being.  With a heartfelt, unwavering commitment of Self-love, watch everything not “working” come up and fall away.  Self-love means anchored in the truth of who we are and being this Love.  Self-love is the refinement and ennoblement of the ego where our thoughts, beliefs and systems honor and serve our true nature.  Our focus is on the true empowerment of our spirit, of our unique love.  Self-love is Self-awareness, Self-esteem, Self-confidence, Self-worth, and Self-respect when we allow ourselves to be stretched beyond our body and mind to encompass our heart and soul, infinite loving awareness.

We don’t “need” healings, meditations, initiations, activations, retreats, readings, scriptures, mantras, teachers, prayers, affirmations, yoga, and everything else associated with spiritual seeking.  If you are drawn to one or more, great, enjoy them.  There are no shortage of offerings.  Let your heart be your guide.  We have to give up nothing, acquire nothing, go nowhere or follow the dictates of any tradition of spiritual practice unless we believe we do.  We made them up.  Our own heart is the access point to our infinite loving awareness.

When we stop seeking outside of ourselves, we find ourSelf, which is Love.  Seeking outside locks us into seeking; finding requires no effort.  There is nothing to do other than to relax and be who we are, to cultivate and be in relaxed awareness of the moment, to stop and be in the present without the intrusions of the past or the future.  When we are in relaxed awareness, ourSelves reveal our Love to us.  Some of the deepest insights and “breakthroughs” have come at 2:00 in the morning sitting quietly in the dark with a small glass of brandy when roused from sleep to visit with “this” closest friend.  Enlightenment by brandy?  So much for ascetic/deprivational spiritual practices and feeling “guilty.”  Relaxed awareness.  I can trust “this.”  No “one” way.  No “right” way.  No “teachers” other than an open heart and open mind that invites into consciousness all self-judgments and deep insights of truth.  It is about a willingness to look within for all answers… and the ONLY answer to ANY question is Love.  Infinite loving awareness.

Whatever is stopping us is right in front of us, staring us in the face.  “Soon” or “when I…” are the voices of fear.  There is only now.  What’s possible is diminished by our inability to be present in the now.  We get locked into guilt and shame for the past and anxiety for the future.  When shame collides with anxiety, we express anger and rage because we aren’t in control.  Truth is we are never really in control anyway.  Every experience in life is a message from our soul.  We can say “yes”, meaning acceptance or “no”, meaning resistance.  The only “power” our ego has is to say “no.”  Our spirit is ever leading us home.

This is not about attaining some state of nirvana or enlightenment.  It is about living who we truly are as human beings.  “Hu” was one of the first names for “God.”  So “human”, is literally, “God-man.”  Being fully human is ecstasy and bliss in the everyday “mess” of life.  When we see everything in life as “good” and “perfect”, it is.  And life IS good, no matter how “negative” it would appear.  “World stage” events are projections of our collective consciousness.  All “negatives” that we would rather not experience are there to show us what we are and what we are not.  That is why they appear so extreme; they show us what life is when we separate from or connect with our true nature.  Bless and deeply appreciate those who have painful experiences as the “players” in the mirror for the rest of us.  When we see the truth of Love in everything, it is easier to relax and accept what life brings.  Life only and always brings us exactly what we do need to see, experience, acknowledge, and then appreciate our true nature.

We make life complicated.  Our perceived needs have created a complex physical reality based in fear that is far from the simple truth that we are Love.  And we try to run and hide from our anguish of separation.  The commitment to love is to feel our feelings, to live from our hearts.  We cannot grow what we push away.  It will return like a boomerang until we look at it, address its message and understand its lesson.  That’s all it is, a message in the “mess” of life.  Love is speaking to us in every moment.

Whatever “energy” we put out creates our current situations; what we put out, we get back.  Always and in all ways.  Fear begets fear.  Love begets love.  Our life keeps showing our belief patterns until we pay attention and take responsibility for creating these experiences.  The belief patterns are inside of us.  Life reflects back to us what we cannot see from the inside, what fosters or obscures full and complete Self-love and its flow through us.  How we judge another and events we experience and witness is really just self-judgment.  As the saying goes, it takes one to know one.  When we embrace Self-love, all the mirrors of the ego show themselves to be shattered.  We can see how we are “fooling ourselves” and laugh at our crazy antics.  It is life tricking us into our lessons.

A flowing river of our emotions softens the edges of our rocks and stones; a river of light on our darkness is the movement of Love.  A heartfelt acknowledgement of gratitude for who we ARE will make it so in the physical experience.  Our biggest fear, shame and doubt is letting our Love show.  As with everything, this is what is reflected back to us.  Simple, but not always easy.  Love is Living One Vibrational Energy.  Love is always present, always expansive, reaching out to encompass others and bring more love to life.  Fear is always contractive, withdrawing from others and life.  Love is being in the same space, so open and expanded in our essence that we permeate one another.  All sense of separation dissolves effortlessly.  Life mirrors Self-love back to us as an abundance of joy, harmony, peace, wisdom, and grace.

How do we “know” we are coming into alignment with our deepest, truest Self, the creative force of the universe that is alive within us?  We are making major choices.  Our minds are less controlling and analytical.  We are trusting the flow of life.  We are feeling peaceful for no particular reason.  We are feeling confused, not sure of which way to go because the “old” no longer holds us captive.  We are feeling we are “different” but don’t know why (Thank you, Jonette).  When we begin to view our reality from a higher perspective, to consciously observe our thoughts, words and actions, we are experiencing the gift of our divine unfolding.

How do we “know” we are aligned with our deepest, truest Self, the creative force of the universe that is alive within us?  We experience amazing fulfillment and boundless joy.  All aspects of our lives are continuously full of deep purpose and meaning.  We feel our connection with everyone and everything and flow with this connection and contribution.  We experience continuous growth and witness our own evolution.  We live with Self-determination, conscious choices made from within rather than from habitual, unconscious patterns or externally imposed conditioning.  This alignment is the source of Universal Leadership that creates a resonance of love, loving awareness, that brings freedom to all.  What is true freedom?  Freed-OM, the liberation of the creative force of our spirit, of Love. The current motto of the USA is, “In God We Trust.”  This means to trust our state of being as “God”, as Love.  It replaced “E Pluribus Unum”, “Out of many, One.”  They both seem to point to the same thing.  “God” IS our Oneness, the Love that permeates all of life.  USA.  Ultimate Self Awareness.

The last week of so of Alexander’s mother’s life, she walked the hall of the nursing home and to the shower, a couple of things she hadn’t done in a number of months.  She also sat in the community room and listened to the music, something she had never done.  A nurse said that this is common.  These were her last “hurrahs.”  The closer we get to death, the more we (try to) engage with life.  Many of us say that we can’t wait for the day we retire so that we can enjoy life.  Why wait?

We are in a process of self-discovery and integration – if we embrace it.  Elimination of what no longer serves brings regeneration and authenticity.  What we focus on becomes our world.  When we proactively open our hearts and minds to who we are, we no longer blindly react to experiences of crises or discomfort.  The gift offered is true freedom.

Self-love and freedom only happen in the release of self-judgment.  Life is a mirror.  All judgments are nothing more than a reflection of what’s inside.  We are offered “permission” to be who we are without judgment; to move as Love moves us.  It’s all perfect and all good.

There are a few reflective questions we can use as we engage with life:  What is in my consciousness – heart and mind, emotions and thoughts – that created or contributed to this experience?  What is this telling me about how I see my relationship with my true nature?  What am I projecting?  What is this reflecting that is inside of me?  This is not a mental analysis.  The questions are to the heart; our answers will come from our heart as the source of all wisdom. The heart shows us our blind spots and shadows that filter, distort and obscure our life experience as Love.  Ask to be shown your blind spots.  Then observe with relaxed awareness; the clues and messages can come from everywhere and anywhere.  Standing in the fire hose of life we can dance in the stream of its water and look for rainbows of blessings and then celebrate!

How do I “know” what I share?  The truth is for the most part I don’t know how I know what I know.  And the “evidence” that I do have is from the experience of how I feel, not self-analysis or research.  I have scratch pads everywhere in the house to write what comes.  So maybe this is nothing more than the rants of menopausal madness; Alexander calls me a “kook.”  According to conventional, prevailing beliefs, I am.  And perhaps, I am not.  What is written here may or may not be relevant to you and the choice as to what you consider for yourself is yours.