I Have A Dream

We have before us the glorious opportunity to inject a new dimension of

love into the veins of our civilization. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.


I have a dream that the Light that We Are shines brightly in Life illuminating and dissolving all darkness. Imagine a world where decisions and actions throughout our own lives and in business, government, education, and religion are made for the dignity, mutual benefit and well-being of all.

There is only one law to enact – The Universal Law Of Love.


We are awakening and remembering our future: Our origin is our destiny. It doesn’t matter what role you have, how you got there, or the symbols of status and power you possess, if you aren’t Leading as Love, you are simply not a Leader, moving us forward into our greatest potential and possibilities of the future. You are managing within the prevailing patriarchal mindset and holding us back by perpetuating the past. One must Lead ones’ own Life as the Love of the Sovereign Self before one can Lead others.

Our greatest Influence, Power and Impact is when we move with and as the Sovereign Self within, in active co-creation with Life, rather than posturing, manipulating or dominating with the mind’s fixated images, perspectives or agendas of the patriarchal mindset. With Leading as Love, these roles and labels lose meaning and emphasis. With Leading as Love, we see and embrace ourselves and all others as human beings, engaging with one another without the limitations and expectations of roles and labels. With Leading as Love, rules and beliefs of the patriarchal mindset are superseded by the wisdom and passion of the Sovereign Self.

Leading as Love is a way of Being for both individuals and organizations, showing us where we are congruent and attuned to Life and where we are out of step. It is not “self-help” for something that needs “fixing” or “healing” or to feel good about ones’ self. It is not a “how to”, a prescription for doing or achieving something. Leading as Love is a foundation for exploring, discovering and expanding who You Are as Love, in your unique relationships with others and Purpose and Contribution to Life.

BEing Love: Love Serves Life Life Serves Love


Through one’s Centerpoint for Being, Leading as Love reveals our integrity, the integrated wholeness that You Are that emerges as Light in Life. The Centerpoint for Being reveals our Purpose, illuminates our Path and ignites and fuels our Passion. The Centerpoint for Being quiets the mind, invites and allows us to open and yield, to connect with our essence, the Sovereign Self; our true Power emerges and we Lead as Love.

Leading as Love allows us to move beyond the patriarchal mindset and its appearances, judgments and needs for power and control, security and support, status and approval into a deeper experience of Life: One of Truth and Freedom, of Meaning, Purpose and Fulfillment. Leading as Love is the embodiment of the higher order of Love of the Sovereign Self in social consciousness.

One cannot feed the ego’s fixations and fears and nurture the Love of the Sovereign Self at the same time. Leading as Love does not support the ego’s images, “doing” and busyness within the structures and rules of the patriarchal mindset. Leading as Love is a Call to Being, to Serve the uniqueness and expansion of the Sovereign Self in its contribution to Life in a way that acknowledges, balances and integrates with the personality, one’s unique experience and story.

Leading as Love is the Freedom to create in the moment unencumbered by the patterns of the past; to make decisions and take action that generates a future that Serves the highest good and well-being of the Sovereign Self of all. As we become more collectively centered, personal definition and acquisition take on lesser meaning.

The Significance of Service


Leading as Love is for individuals and organizations that value the growth and evolution of human consciousness as Love. There are no rules; each Path is unique and sacred. There are two commitments as active priorities in each moment:

  • Willing to cultivate self-awareness, to look at oneself deeply in the mirror of Life with the Truth and Freedom of the Sovereign Self.
  • Willing to drop judgments of oneself or of anyone or anything else.

Leading as Love is a virtual community that generates the Power of Light, the movement of Love, in Life. As you illuminate your own Light by Leading as Love, like a candle you illuminate the Light of many others. As you commit, I can promise that all aspects of your Life will take on broader and deeper meaning, purpose and fulfillment.

The most important and challenging relationship we will ever have is with our Sovereign Self. We are here in Life to enact the Love of our Sovereign Self. Service and Servant Leadership mean Serving the Sovereign Self, our own and all others. It is “simple”, not “easy.”

Perhaps This Is Your Dream As Well


If this feels “right”, piques your interest, draws you in, or excites you, perhaps it is your Sovereign Self Calling you forward as a step in your own Path of growth and evolution. Or you may feel the impulse to share with another. Just say, “Yes!”

I don’t know the hows or whys for you, you do. They are within you. Leading as Love initiates and opens the connection to and process of discovery of your Sovereign Self. The Fulfillment of the Love, Truth and Freedom of your Sovereign Self awaits your reply.

I am here solely to Serve the Sovereign Self to Lead as Love. May I Serve You?

I’m Coming Out: Come Dance with Me

May 28, 2014

I’m coming out
I want the world to know
Got to let it show…
The time has come for me
To break out of this shell
I have to shout
That I am coming out.  ~
Dianna Ross

The Disowned Pieces of My Soul, My Spirit, My Essence

I came into this life fully Realized. My path was to take on just about every emotional trauma our human life offers when we believe in separation from our True Self. I personally have experienced, expressed or received betrayal, abandonment, sexual harassment and abuse, addictions, worthlessness, despair, rejection, denial, arrogance, abuse of power, depression, rage, deceit, resentment, emptiness, loneliness, oppressive shame, guilt and doubt, and overwhelming anxiety and fear, just to name a few.

It’s taken a number of years to realize and accept that as a mirror, I see in the reflections both my own and others’ subconscious, projected self-judgments and fears. I see others’ shadows because these shadows are a part of my own experience. When I say what I see, illuminating the shadows, calling out where we fail to lead our lives, it is out of compassion. It is a catalyst that can break open entrenched trauma and beliefs, revealing the True Self. Turning on a light eliminates the shadows.

For some, the ego will experience this as unjustified and harsh judgment. My gift is to see our Life experience through the eyes of Love, the heart and soul. There is no judgment. I cannot judge another because, while our circumstances are different, I too experience deep, deep pain.

I bear a confluence of energies of Love to remember and rebirth the True Self. Over the years, it’s been given to me as:

I Am Lucira, the Bringer of the Power of Light.

I Am Midwife.

I Am Shaman of Shaman.

I Am the Embodiment of Truth.

I Am the Voice of Prophecy.

I Am the Power of Love.

I Am the Divine Feminine: Venus, Kali, Mary, Isis, Lilith, Magdalena, Diana, Ishtar, Nefertiti, Eris.

I Am Mother of All.

These energies serve to awaken the Divine Feminine within All of Us.

I experience the wisdom, grace and joy of being wide open to the Love within us, flowing through and moving my thoughts words and actions. At times it is fierce and forceful like water from a fire hose or a massive storm, other times it is like a soft, gentle mist or breeze, still other times it is like rose petals carried in the desert wind, landing where they may. The notion that “feminine” and “love” is always gentle and kind, tender and soft is the patriarchal mind’s view to engender self-judgment and fear that maintains power and control. Love always speaks Truth that opens our hearts and nurtures the emergence of our soul’s full expression.

As a small child, I felt this blissful, pulsing energy, the life force we all have. I had no idea what it was and no one to ask, or if I did ask, I don’t remember doing so or the response. This energy “disappeared” from my awareness, suppressed as the experiences of societal conditioning and emotional traumas took over this life. As I released these distortions of Truth and embraced the unprocessed emotions and my True Self, the energy is once again front and center and flowing and holding me as a friend and lover.

This energy is always Present, to accept or refuse. For the past 10+ years, this has been my secret shame and greatest denial. I resisted publicly owning who I Am and my Real Life experience, stifling the flow of the energy. This energy is not a commodity to be capitalized on and exploited; this is why my “business” has “failed.”

Needless to say, I am far from mainstream. I nurture the True Self. I accept that I am here, in this way, at this time, for a reason. I am grateful to Be and live this Radical Life – both on the fringe and focused within on the root cause of our human experience, the source of true freedom, strength, value, security, and support.

Invitation to a Quantum Leap 

Our Universal Purpose is Love. Our Universal Path is to re-member this.

We are all part of the quantum field of energy. Quantum means that the way you see or observe something creates and changes that something including yourself and your life experience. Living the Gift of the quantum requires keeping focus on where you choose to go. A quantum leap is a change in perspective that is so powerful that it completely transforms your experience. Your Centerpoint for Being provides such a quantum leap.

Your Centerpoint for Being brings into your awareness your unique Love, your unique Light. Your Centerpoint for Being opens you to a Life experience of the ocean of your Divine Essence in perfect balance and integration with your physical self and life. You’ve dipped your toe in now and again. Instead of a toe, come up to your ankles, then your knees, then your thighs, then your waist. Your Centerpoint for Being is the blueprint for building your bridge as you walk on it – Living the True Self – being with the ocean of your Divine Essence, of Love.

A bridge can be built over this ocean, avoiding the experience of Love that is within; under this ocean, submerged and drowning in the pains of physical life. Building a bridge within allows you to both navigate and move with the ocean as it flows.

The Centerpoint of Being balances and integrates body, mind, heart, and soul. Living the True Self brings You into the world, building your bridge as you walk on it. Together we shift the viewpoint about who You Are, giving language and focus to your Light in the quantum. This is an opportunity to know yourSelf and freely become what you are meant to Be.

Come walk and dance with me to build your bridge as Life unfolds. The answer to How is Trust: Make the Leap into Leading as Love.

The only way to make sense out of change and life is to plunge into it,
move with it, and join the dance. ~
Alan Watts


For This I Have Come: The Courage to Be Vulnerable

Not too many years ago a friend observing my life said to me, “Lj, I don’t understand your path.” Well, that made two of us… the unknown is unsettling and can be “traumatic.” Comprehension is not required; being fully present to both our internal and external experience is. MAC thank you for this pre-sent invitation… I trust you are well.

Are We “Lost In Translation”?

In Lenten Contemplation, I pointed to some mixed messages in the interpretations of the life and death of Jeshua. One reader suggested that calling “Jesus” something other than “Jesus” was “distracting” and “why not call him by his recognized Christian name?” I responded that Jeshua (Yeshua in Hebrew – he was Jewish) spoke Aramaic and it was his given name in his language; Jesus is the Greek spelling/translation. I prefer the original.

Here is a bit more her-esy to add to the earlier observations of the mixed messages of Jeshua: Traditional translations of the Gospels say that during his crucifixion Jeshua said: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Another message of the futility of Love, that we are forsaken by “God.” Since a child, this never made “sense” to me.

Through successive hand transcriptions of the original text and translations, translations from/to Greek, Latin and Aramaic, and pointed revisions of the text by various hierarchies that likely changed meaning, who knows what was really said. One translation directly from ancient Aramaic texts suggests he said: “For this I was spared”, an Aramaic idiom meaning “This was my destiny.”

In the agony of judgment, isolation and death, Jeshua chose Love, Christos, over fear. His “crucifixion” was the “death” of fear. For this he came: To show us our destiny. We forsake Love; Love never forsakes us.

That’s the point. We each have interpretations and translations of perceptions and experience. From our points of view we continuously live a choice: love or fear. What do we choose as our identity; who and what do we choose to be? Our origin is love; our destiny is determined by our choices. We Are the Alpha and the Omega. We redeem ourselves by being who We Are, the resurrection of Love.

For This I Have Come

One’s Path is a committed, intimate relationship with Life. In Living the True Self: Leading as Love, I described what I “do.” It is not, however, what and who I Be. How do I know mySelf, the underlying essence of who I Am and what I bring forth? Lucira, my “original” name, means the Power of Light. This is the energy, the consciousness, this life bears.

On sabbatical, I was present to myself as mySelf and experienced the material and the subtle aspects of Life’s energies, creation and the reality of Love without distortion or manipulation. Some days the energy was so intense, it seemed I could not function. I learned Love moved me effortlessly to be present with only what truly needed to be done to serve.

I struggled and resisted owning who I Am, attributing the profound Love I feel to someone or something outside of myself. It’s the “mistake” we all make; believing there needs to be an “object” of Love. What we feel is our own Love, ourSelf, reflected in and by the “other.”

I am here, now as a mirror of the heart and soul. From the Centerpoint for Being, my Path and Purpose is to simply stand for and reflect the Truth of who we are: Christos. Life in Service to Love; Love in Service to Life. This is my Commitment to Life.

I have deeply experienced and witnessed every fear, just about every miscreation known to humankind and brought them into conscious awareness. I know boundless joy and the infinite, eternal unity with Life that is Love. I know judgment, rejection, isolation and despair. I know heart-wrenching sorrow and grief. I know freedom and liberation. I know the struggle of the prison of attachment, addiction and avoidance. I know betrayal, abandonment, inadequacy and worthlessness. I know abiding peace. I know physical pain, dis-ease and death. I know incessant doubt. I know the tricks, excuses, justifications, and deceptions our mind uses to avoid Being and to run from who We Are. I know the anger and rage of not being in control. I know contentment with Life. All reflected to me as human experience to be embraced as the seeds of compassion. As aspects of the Divine Feminine, Mary, Isis, Lilith, Kali, Ishtar, Magdalena, I chose to feel humanity’s pain of separation, to own its shadows and to transmute them into Light.

My Path has stripped away all surface markers and labels of identity to uncover an original Centerpoint for Being to live, restored to Know a place of belonging in relation to the infinite and to inhabit it. It is a Path of integrating duality, bridging of worlds, living grounded at both ends of the bridge as spirit and matter. Truth is each and every one of us is this bridge; through our own consciousness we bring spirit and matter into unity, heaven to earth, and integrate all the polarities that now separate us.

We Build the Bridge as We Walk on It

Life itself is Love, Living One Vibrational Energy. Life itself is Grace, a Gift, a Miracle, if we allow its presence and flow. One might think of retiring our operating system of fear as there can be no more updates. The practices of Living the True Self bring the operating system of Love fully online and functional.

You cannot get away from Being You. What you do not make peace with now, you will have to make peace with later. You do not have to understand, agree or approve of Life, only accept and allow you to be You, living in a whole-hearted way, as integrated wholeness. “Letting go” is really “allowing in” a gift offered that is beyond words and comprehension, and any needs, wants or desires of the ego-personality.

Love is the energy of creation. Being Love is an emptiness that is bursting with possibility.

Living the True Self as the Centerpoint for Being is the mastery of who You Are, your greatest freedom. It is what calls you, the focal point for the Love that you are, for what you came to Be. Life asks only that we be this True Self, to align and integrate our unconscious and conscious minds and actions with the supraconscious, the greater intelligence of Spirit, of the heart and soul. This is the one “change” that transforms everything.

Allowing Love’s presence opens the heart to know itself as Love and one’s own presence as Life’s radiant gift. It’s viral. When one opens one’s own heart, Love spreads like a wildfire, jumping from heart to heart, igniting its flame.

I Am present as Love, Christos, so all who choose may attune to their own essence, their own unique Love. Only You Know what this is for you. Together we open a conduit to our inner nature, illuminate and call forth one another’s Light, the movement of Love, this unity within. This wide-open space also illuminates limiting patterns, the subtle and ingrained beliefs that no longer serve. There is no place to go, nothing to “do”… we simply relax, allow and open into Being what we are, engaged with Life here and now.

Love evokes the Light that illuminates the mind and ignites the
Sacred Hearts of humankind.

What is Your Commitment to Life?
May Blessings Be.

March 22, 2014


Lenten Contemplation

In Christian traditions, today is Ash Wednesday. This marks the start of 40 days of penance in preparation for the Holy Week of Jeshua’s Passion, Crucifixion and Resurrection at Easter. His life and death gave humanity not a single message, rather it gave mixed messages.

Jeshua stood for and taught the power of unconditional love and forgiveness. He came to show us that we are Christos, the conscious unity of our own hearts with life, that we are Love, the unity in all things.

Jeshua’s “story” also imprinted humanity with subconscious beliefs that in living as love, we will experience betrayal, abandonment and crucifixion for defying the status quo of the elite – the money and power of religion, government and merchants. Humanity also carries a subconscious belief that we are inherently unworthy: Our love is inadequate and we lack the ability to overcome our “shortcomings.” These beliefs have been reinforced by the patriarchal hierarchy and rules and rituals of humanity’s institutions for the last 2,000 years.

The very nature of life is interwoven connection. We are not separate from this unity. We have a natural desire to belong and come together in community. The universal primal fears of betrayal, abandonment, execution, and unworthiness are what separate us from our true nature and one another. They are primal as they are fears we hold in our relationship to life aka “God.” In our mistrust, we have disconnected ourselves from the flow of life, pushing it out of balance. These inequities are unsustainable.

The breakdowns in our institutions and conflicts that we are witnessing are our collective creations based in these primal fears that are being revealed, brought from the shadows into the light of our consciousness. These events might be considered current versions of the story of Jeshua overturning tables and throwing the money changers out of the temple.

Christian or not, during this time of spring’s rebirth we all can choose to be free of our mind’s fears and dissonant belief structures, resurrect our hearts and live the truth of our connection that is love. In other words, live as we are, as Christos in the unity of our hearts and create a new physical reality with the power of love, the unity in all things.

Jeshua’s most powerful message is that we have a free will:  Fear or love.  It’s our choice what we experience.

We are at the tipping point of a new expression of life. It is our consciousness that creates; there is no one here but us.
March 5, 2014

Living the True Self™: Leading as Love

January 11, 2014

What is life about?
Who am I, really?
What am I here for?
What calls to my heart?
What am I waiting for?

The answers are inside of you.

Each New Year brings renewed hope for a world of peace and prosperity. Peace and prosperity is not something “out there.” We are the creators of our experience and the world is a collective reflection of what is inside of us; we each contribute to what we see and experience.

During the past few months, life has reflected to me what I can contribute through my work. It is not some kind of “grand design.”  It is what can be offered to individuals for their personal choice to be fully who and what they are as human beings.

I deeply appreciate all who have engaged with me as my mirrors in person, on Facebook, in private conversations, or in groups. It allowed me to acknowledge, accept and become more intimate with who I am, what I stand for and offer, and my own attachments. I see them more clearly as you invited me forward, were present and engaged, or opted to disengage. Bless you all.

It is not the outer form that changes; appearance changes by the nature of the inner being that fills the form.

~ Adapted from Ram Dass

The word “human” literally means, “God-man”: “Hu” was one of the original names for “God.” By fully living our potential as human beings, we be “God”, the infinite, universal consciousness, the divine intelligence of Love that permeates all things. All we need to “do” to “be” one with this consciousness is to live in integrated wholeness: body, mind, heart, and soul. Soul is our unique aspect of this universal or divine consciousness that creates all life. Our “God-self”, our soul, is made visible, made manifest in the physical through our heart, our mind and our body.

We all have had direct experiences of integrated wholeness that we both see and feel; some call it “flow.” Many of us have no context for these experiences to enable understanding and to facilitate repetition so they slip away. If we pay attention, life informs us in each moment that we are the creator – divine beings having a human experience – we are spirit in matter, we are both human and divine. How we chose to see and experience life is up to each one of us.

Last fall I wrote that life is “simple”: Its purpose is self-love and as a mirror, life reflects back to us the purity or “filtering” of this self-love. So I have brought together my own experiences into an offering called Living the True Self™. Living the True Self creates and sustains an inner “structure” for a life of peace and freedom, a life of sovereignty as the True Self.

The Elements of Living the True Self

The first element of Living the True Self™ is called the Centerpoint for Being™.

This process is a refinement, adaptation and integration of two brilliant practices originated by others. One is the called the “Highest Goal,” developed by Michael Ray for the “Creativity in Business” MBA course at Stanford University. The other is called “Centerpiecing” created by Mel Toomey and the Center for Leadership Studies / Generative Leadership Group. Using these two practices together we can discover our unique energy and expression of divine intelligence in human form: body, mind, heart, and soul. This is the real meaning of our integrity and authenticity as a human being. The Centerpoint for Being is the footing and foundation of self-love and knowing our divine self in a tangible, personal way. There is nothing “woo-woo” about this.

A Relaxed Mind allows for a Knowing Heart; a Knowing Heart invites Engaged Action; Engaged Action establishes the Embodied Soul. The embodied soul’s expression is self-love.  Each of the aspects of the  Centerpoint are unique to each individual.

Attractor model of the Centerpoint for Being SMALL for posting

Soul – Mind – Heart – Body: The Circle of Life is complete and our Light, the movement of Love, radiates brilliantly into the world. The access to the soul is through the heart.

The Centerpoint for Being is Our Unity, Our Oneness with Creation
A Love that is Ours Alone
Unique in both Form and Expression

The Centerpoint enables intimate relationships as a human being with oneself, all others and everything in life; to deeply know who and what we are without the masks of labels and roles.

Where we focus expands. The Centerpoint provides the focal point of our unique signature presence – the energy and power that comes with awareness of the mind, discernment of the heart, and choice for action in each moment. It is our higher purpose, our connection and contribution to life, our path for growth and mastery, and our sovereignty for true freedom of choice.

All leadership is self-leadership. The Centerpoint establishes our unique internal identity rather than collective identity and action based on external labels and roles. It is our personal mantra and “practice” for consciously leading our life – Leading as Love.

The Centerpoint gives us a comprehensive focus for our lives; it applies in all situations, in every moment. One may choose to continue or expand spiritual, religious or healing practices; they take on a deeper meaning and significance.

The Centerpoint awakens and connects us to the universal consciousness within bringing us into harmony with the ever-emergent, unfolding of creation. It is our Light, our unique expression of Love, the ultimate Self-Love that shines brightly. The Centerpoint for Being reveals, integrates and grounds each person’s uniqueness of body, mind, heart, and soul, the True Self. It is like a lock protecting something of great value that with the “right” combination, springs wide open. One person remarked, “For the first time ever, I feel my power (aka love).”

The second element of Living the True Self is the use of the Enneagram as a path to self-love.

The Enneagram can show us where and how we judge and separate ourselves from our Centerpoint for Being (as aspects of the inner triangle of the Enneagram symbol) and how we can become more perfectly attuned to its expression.

This application of the Enneagram is based on many sources and much is available elsewhere, so I won’t elaborate here. I highly recommend the work of Russ Hudson and the Enneagram Institute.

The third element of Living the True Self is using Life as the Mirror of Creation.

Our life experience is a direct reflection and projection of the relationship within ourselves – the True Self – body, mind, heart, and soul. Looking into the mirror that is our life, through our reflection in others we can see what is inside of us, our thoughts, beliefs and emotions, etc. that amplify or block our Light. If we are defensive, justifying our actions or blaming others, we are cut off from our heart and soul and seeing life and acting solely from the mind. When we react in this way, without awareness and discernment, it is our buttons that are being pushed and has nothing to do with the other person. If it wasn’t inside of us, our own (un)consciousness, we couldn’t see it and it wouldn’t bother us.

What we believe is what we see. What we attribute to another is what we believe about ourselves. What we see in others is ourselves. Frequently, these are aspects of our life experiences that we suppress or disown, yet we are attached to these unconscious “wounds.” As examples, our anger towards what we see in others is anger towards ourselves for the “same” thing, anger is the “explosion” of shame/resentment for the past and anxiety for the future; how we judge or appreciate and what we say to or about others (the good, the bad, the ugly) is really judgment, appreciation of or saying the “same” thing to or about ourselves; we can be intimate (meaning without masks of roles and labels) in relationships with others to the degree we are in intimate relationship with our True Self. If held tightly, emotional attachments can eventually end up as physical discomfort, pain and illness. This is not “blaming the victim”; this is acknowledging that albeit unconscious, we co-create our entire life experience.

It takes courage and great humility to be in life this way, to recognize and release that which is inside ourselves. This is how we take full responsibility for our lives; we create it all, every experience, through how we perceive life and react or respond.

Living the True Self from the Centerpoint of Being gives a passionate life

Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places – Outside of Ourselves

Here in Western Society, we are conditioned to live from the mind and body and to look for or try to change what is outside of ourselves while the truth of our being as love is in plain view – within our heart and our soul. Living the True Self moves “spirituality” from esoteric, hidden truths and practices into something conscious, personal, visible, concrete, and actionable in each and every moment.

The primary focus of our thoughts and actions seems to be on fixing or controlling what currently exists rather than bringing forth a new way of existence from our depth of being, our heart and soul. The “messes” we witness in life both personally and collectively with things such as political polarization and religious righteousness are direct results from closing ourselves off from the heart and soul within and trying to “figure things out” through the limited mind (left, logical, linear brain). Using the mind alone, we don’t see the whole picture and our actions are inherently flawed, generating bigger “messes” than what we started with. Just look around at what we have created. Our heart and soul connects us with the greater, universal consciousness and intelligence of Love resulting in holistic, balanced choices and actions for the well-being of all.

The Good News

I am greatly heartened because when I observe family, friends, colleagues, and others more broadly, many if not most are endeavoring to live in a “good hearted” way – just perhaps not consciously as such. The Centerpoint for Being brings “good heartedness” front and center, so we consciously radiate our Light, the movement of Love to all. This is not about “morality” or being “virtuous.” It’s about living our fullest potential as hu-man be-ings.

To be the Light of the World all we need to “do” is open to and welcome the expression of our heart and soul through our mind and body as the guiding principle for our life. Left on its own to govern us, the mind separates us from what life is meant to be, the experience of love, and hence from one another.

Traditionally we seek or know our True Self by acknowledging and releasing all the misperceptions of our “wounds” one-by-one or by experiencing the True Self bit-by-bit through personal meditation, guided meditation, prayer, or other spiritual practices. Uncovering one’s Centerpoint for Being accelerates the process.

Once the Centerpoint is brought into one’s awareness, everything in one’s life such as beliefs, actions and relationships that contradict this intention will also be brought into awareness for discernment and choice. This is part of life’s mirror and can be uncomfortable. At the same time, we realize our unique gifts and power of love which is beyond measure. Through the lens of the Centerpoint we step back and holistically see and experience the deep structure of our life rather than through the surface features that can be perceived by the mind, missing the True Self.

The Big Picture

Anything and everything not based in love: care, understanding and respect, is in breakdown. This includes ourselves, our relationships, and our social institutions such as business, government or religion. And this will continue; what we build cut off from our heart and soul is unsustainable because it does not honor who and what we are as human beings.

Living the True Self is both an inside-out and outside-in approach that is balanced and integrated. This is about being fully here now, present to all that is: Not only the mind and body with their perception of and reaction to the external but also the heart and soul and their perception of and response to the truth of our inner unity. Living from the perspective of the True Self, puts the mind and body, thought and action in service to love. This is the only way to resolve the issues we face.

Many Brave Souls

The truth of what and who you really are is what matters in life. I recognize that unhooking from the perceived security of our externally defined roles and identities takes extreme courage. This means we release time-honored assumed-to-be-correct expectations for what it means to belong and actions defined by labels such as man, woman, husband, wife, father, mother, family, friends, our religions, nationalities, political parties, etc. and instead choose to base our identity and action on the personal truth of our heart and soul.

Although I would very much like to give this away freely, it would be impractical to offer Living the True Self at no cost; this physical life requires financial resources. The “dilemma” is how does one put a monetary amount on experiences that are “priceless” such as clarity of one’s identity and power, a life without limits, freedom, peace, joy, harmony, and love and make it available to all without financial consideration.

Each of our contexts is unique. For those willing to make the commitment and desire to engage with me, I ask two questions:

Based on your own experience, situation and resources, what is living an integrated and sovereign life from the perspective of and grounded in your True Self worth to you?

What would you be (are you) willing to pay to or invest in yourself for such an offering?

Whatever this amount is, I trust it will be an appropriate amount and meet my resource “needs.” Those who can pay “more” are paying it forward for another; those who can pay “less” are not excluded or denied access. After engaging with the process, if one believes and feels that the experience and awareness of the True Self is without value for their life, their consciousness, one pays nothing.

By choosing to realize one’s full potential, all contribute to the well-being of the whole. I trust each choice for an amount will be made according to one’s heart’s guidance. Donations are welcome as well.

Moving Forward

I am sure that this shift in my work as midwife of the True Self, your own inner “teacher”, comes as no surprise. I say “midwife” because all answers are within you, within your heart and soul. If you have an interest in learning more about any or all of the elements of Living the True Self, I welcome hearing from you. The process is open and flexible to meet your unique desires and situation: one-on-one or in a group, in person or via technology, over a period of time or as an “intensive.”

For those in similar “midwife” roles, I invite you to connect on how parts of Living the True Self might be integrated within your own engagements.

For my Face Book friends, I am moving my “inspirational” posts from my personal page to my Leading as Love page. To receive them, you will need to “Follow” or “Like” this page.

Life is Love made visible. ~ Adapted from Khalil Gibran

At this opening of 2014, let us walk together in creating our life experiences. The only way transformation and change happens is by our personal choice to be what we are, living the love, the unity that is inside that is just waiting for each of us to say “YES!”.

How do you choose to lead your life: From the mind or your Centerpoint for Being, the source of all well-being and creation as life emerges and unfolds in each moment? This is leading our lives from integrated wholeness, the True Self. This is Leading as Love, this is Universal Leadership™.

What do you choose as your legacy?