Power Needs No Force

Collectively we create our life experience.  The breakdowns we see – the breaking apart – are happening because our social structures are based in fear and held together through force. We are literally generating these breakdowns by trying to hold onto ways of thinking and relating that are no longer viable. Nothing is “wrong”; things are changing.

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2012 – Referendum on What It Means to Be a Leader

What do all of the world events we are witnessing have in common? What are they pointing to? Let’s take a step back and observe the events, the issues and their meaning. They clearly show us the context made up of our beliefs and value systems and the result.

What nations are governed by the power of a few that is based in wealth and relies on public servitude to exist and those in power seek to purge ideas, people and systems they believe cause “degeneration”? Syria? Yes. Libya? Yes. Iran? Yes. The United States? Yes.

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