Leading as Love is the one change that changes everything. It is a universal message to push the reset button and reboot our perspective to establish a new foundation for what it means to be a leader, how we lead our lives, and who and what we we choose to follow.
Your support for this work through donations or any form, such as offering your skills and talents, is an investment in your own and humanity’s future. Leading as Love establishes common ground and serves the greater good, teaching us how to go beyond the limitations of self-interest and competition to cooperation and collaboration. As a leadership commentator, we broadcast this message as an alternative so that everyone can step free from fear and the dictates of the way things are now. Through Leading as Love, we can take a stand that generates a momentum that becomes unstoppable. Our first “campaign” is “Who Can We Trust to Lead?”
Leading as Love establishes and gives voice to a new foundation for humanity. A life of freedom, well-being, fulfillment and prosperity is of value to all of us. The value in changing the conversation is that Leading as Love becomes part of the solution. Contributions in all forms to Leading as Love enable us to continue and expand our offerings and make this a reality for everyone.
It starts with each one of us and no one else. As a leadership strategist and commentator, we provide writing, speaking, global teleconferences, media campaigns and Mastery Circles that call-out individuals in leadership roles and empower everyone to see through the chaos and make life-enhancing choices for themselves and others, no matter where they live the world. Your donation helps to provide financial resources for broadcasting the message in a big way and we greatly welcome and appreciate your support in any amount. We also welcome contributions of time and talent for getting the word out (e.g., press releases, videos and social media, etc.), suggestions for honing and spreading the message, helping people to make commitments and take action, or any way that you feel moved to contribute to make Leading as Love a reality. Contact information is below.
Thank you for supporting Leading as Love and Who Can We Trust to Lead? We are all leaders as we lead our lives and follow only those who create common ground based in our shared humanity and who serve this greater good.
For payment for Leadership Coaching:
Checks/Bank Drafts may be sent to PO Box 191, Niantic CT 06357 USA.
Phone: 860-857-1228
Postal: PO Box 191, Niantic CT 06357
Twitter: @LeadingasLove
Linked In: LinkedIn Public Profile